Friday, May 2, 2014

Intro / The Birth of KoffeeKitsch

Hi!  Allow me to introduce myself as "Caffiend" (my parents must've had ESP when they named me.)  I'm an almost lifelong coffee drinker - my mom always said that it would stunt my growth, but that didn't prevent me from reaching a lofty height of nearly 5 feet tall!  

Originally, I was going to have 2 separate blogs - one about coffee and one about "kitsch" - but coming up with a coffee-related blog name proved to be quite a challenge!!  Every possible coffee term, both common and not-so-common, seemed to be in use.  I guess that's a tribute to the mega-popularity of coffee! 

 My hubby & I brainstormed and came up with a ton of names; ones such as 'Bean There', 'Java Jive', 'Coffee Klatsch', etc. were taken; even sillier ones like 'Beanocchio' (which apparently is a little restaurant in NYC) and 'Perky Brewster' were in use.  In desperation, I even googled 'Perky Bitch'; that brought up some rather questionable things which had nothing to do with coffee.  I finally gave up and decided to combine my 2 blog topics--and thus, KoffeeKitsch was born!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Welcome to KoffeeKitsch!

COFFEE (noun) :  a beverage consisting of a decoction or infusion of the roasted ground or crushed seeds (coffee beans)  of the two-seeded fruit (coffee berry)  of certain coffee trees.
KITSCH (noun) :  something of tawdry design, appearance, or content created to appeal to popular or undiscriminating taste. 
                                                         (Both definitions courtesy of 
Welcome, fellow coffee fan, to KoffeeKitsch...where something always in good taste (coffee) meets the questionably so!