Friday, May 2, 2014

Intro / The Birth of KoffeeKitsch

Hi!  Allow me to introduce myself as "Caffiend" (my parents must've had ESP when they named me.)  I'm an almost lifelong coffee drinker - my mom always said that it would stunt my growth, but that didn't prevent me from reaching a lofty height of nearly 5 feet tall!  

Originally, I was going to have 2 separate blogs - one about coffee and one about "kitsch" - but coming up with a coffee-related blog name proved to be quite a challenge!!  Every possible coffee term, both common and not-so-common, seemed to be in use.  I guess that's a tribute to the mega-popularity of coffee! 

 My hubby & I brainstormed and came up with a ton of names; ones such as 'Bean There', 'Java Jive', 'Coffee Klatsch', etc. were taken; even sillier ones like 'Beanocchio' (which apparently is a little restaurant in NYC) and 'Perky Brewster' were in use.  In desperation, I even googled 'Perky Bitch'; that brought up some rather questionable things which had nothing to do with coffee.  I finally gave up and decided to combine my 2 blog topics--and thus, KoffeeKitsch was born!